I do not know why it take me so long o realize that i can change pins in v2 firmware to make it works on v3 boards. But better later then never, here it is.
Tuesday, 25 August 2015
Wednesday, 5 August 2015
audi chorus - concert: how to recover password
what you need:
motorola cracker :
for serial connection I used cp2102 based adapter from ebay, it has wired RTS signal:
Software part is motorola cracker version 6.x (7 didn't work!!!). It has support for com port from 1 to 4, so change this in advance settings for your usb2UART adapter, then just boot MCU and read eeprom, here is a actual eeprom dump, with code 1790, you can see its on 3 places:
number in eeprom, directly after code (from my observation) can be:
06 - SAFE2 mode, you need to wait 1hour(info from here) to be able to enter pin
08 - SAFE1 mode, you can enter pin code to unlock
A0 - no code required
UPDATE: I have Motorola MCU with fixed volume problem, so I dump eeprom of this MCU as it has fixed problem, it didn't store volume value in eeprom and so this dump is "clean" of garbage. I try to load this dump to one of affected MCU, just to test how long it take to have volume issue back. For now it's looks ok.
EDIT: it didn't fix it radio volume is garbage at low temperatures, of corse. But I have to try :)
any data are on my github including eeprom dumps.
UPDATE: based on this blogpost: http://www.realitytech.co.uk/rich/?p=192
I try it, it's works kind of. communication was really unstable, but it works for reading eeprom directly after booting CPU, or write simple byte of data, in my case It take 3times to boot CPU and each time write simple byte (0xA0) on positions 3,33 and 63, to disable code protection.
!!1important note!!! you must connect only 12V and ground on main connector of radio. In my first attempts I have illumination connected to 12V and this makes pin 22 go Low so my additional pull-up did not work.
here are some pictures:
motorola cracker :
for serial connection I used cp2102 based adapter from ebay, it has wired RTS signal:
Software part is motorola cracker version 6.x (7 didn't work!!!). It has support for com port from 1 to 4, so change this in advance settings for your usb2UART adapter, then just boot MCU and read eeprom, here is a actual eeprom dump, with code 1790, you can see its on 3 places:
number in eeprom, directly after code (from my observation) can be:
06 - SAFE2 mode, you need to wait 1hour(info from here) to be able to enter pin
08 - SAFE1 mode, you can enter pin code to unlock
A0 - no code required
![]() |
locked for 1 hour |
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no code required |
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standard SAFE mode |
UPDATE: I have Motorola MCU with fixed volume problem, so I dump eeprom of this MCU as it has fixed problem, it didn't store volume value in eeprom and so this dump is "clean" of garbage. I try to load this dump to one of affected MCU, just to test how long it take to have volume issue back. For now it's looks ok.
EDIT: it didn't fix it radio volume is garbage at low temperatures, of corse. But I have to try :)
any data are on my github including eeprom dumps.
UPDATE: based on this blogpost: http://www.realitytech.co.uk/rich/?p=192
I try it, it's works kind of. communication was really unstable, but it works for reading eeprom directly after booting CPU, or write simple byte of data, in my case It take 3times to boot CPU and each time write simple byte (0xA0) on positions 3,33 and 63, to disable code protection.
!!1important note!!! you must connect only 12V and ground on main connector of radio. In my first attempts I have illumination connected to 12V and this makes pin 22 go Low so my additional pull-up did not work.
here are some pictures:
![]() |
![]() |
RX/TX/+12V/pullups on 22,9,11 |
![]() |
only 12V and ground is connected in main connector of radio |
![]() |
RX,TX,RTS and ground on UART2USB |
openbox x-810 won't boot
another bad caps story with PSU, this time openbox x-810, won't boot, stoped with double dot ":" on display. Measuring on 3.3V rail showed 2V with load. Changing 1000uf and 470uf caps on this rail fix problem, just to be on safe side, I changed all caps on secondary side of psu.
Tuesday, 21 July 2015
audi FIS 3-line protocol update
Thursday, 25 June 2015
S3860M-S breadboard adapter
kicad files
updated version:
- with reset button and on/off button (MFB)
- 2leds
- option to select between XS3868 and S3860M-S module
- made by dirtyPCB.com
- will be sold on tindie.com after test with 0402 resistors and jack (hard to find this in low quantity)
check my store on tindie:

Wednesday, 24 June 2015
SOYO-BT24G03 kicad lib and module
finaly I have time to make package module for kicad of SOYO bluetooth module SOYO-BT24G03:
lib files:
SOYO-BT24G03.dcm SOYO-BT24G03.lib
and module:
also one new smt jack PJ320B (stereo, 3.5mm) I found in my pile of scrap parts:
lib files:
SOYO-BT24G03.dcm SOYO-BT24G03.lib
and module:
also one new smt jack PJ320B (stereo, 3.5mm) I found in my pile of scrap parts:
Friday, 12 June 2015
new kicad libraries and modules
on project of bluetooth support for old vw group head units I have to try more bt modules, so I made kicad files needed to make breadbord adapter , SOYO-BT24G03 is in queue also...
MB-CM15113.kicad_mod - old module which has no uart, I made Fritzing file for this module, I try this module one more time
(library files: MB-CM15113.lib, MB-CM15113.dcm)
BLK-MD-SPK-B.kicad_mod - module mentioned on this blog, no call posible with this module or I'm lame :)
(library files: BLK-MD-SPK-B.lib, BLK-MD-SPK-B.dcm)
XS3868.kicad_mod - new module I will try, breadbord adapter files here
(library files: XS3860.dcm, XS3860.lib)
am1d.kicad_mod - DC - DC convertor 5V->+-12V i have planes to use it for galvanic insulation audio part for low noise in amlifier, which is realy needed....
(library files: aimtec.dcm, aimtec.lib)
also I made some kicad modules for 3.5mm jack from ebay ....

MB-CM15113.kicad_mod - old module which has no uart, I made Fritzing file for this module, I try this module one more time
(library files: MB-CM15113.lib, MB-CM15113.dcm)
BLK-MD-SPK-B.kicad_mod - module mentioned on this blog, no call posible with this module or I'm lame :)
(library files: BLK-MD-SPK-B.lib, BLK-MD-SPK-B.dcm)
XS3868.kicad_mod - new module I will try, breadbord adapter files here
(library files: XS3860.dcm, XS3860.lib)
am1d.kicad_mod - DC - DC convertor 5V->+-12V i have planes to use it for galvanic insulation audio part for low noise in amlifier, which is realy needed....
(library files: aimtec.dcm, aimtec.lib)
also I made some kicad modules for 3.5mm jack from ebay ....
3.5mm_stereo_jack_PJ-313C.kicad_mod |
vwcdpic for avr (arduino) and attiny
Porting to arduino's or AVR?
while back I read on hackaday forums about guy who ported some C code for avr (for seeduino mega) originaly ported from k9spud vwcdpic ...back then I was really bad in arduinos or any coding for mcus, so I was unable to make it work on normal *duino ....
then i find this post of shyd version of emulator
and now i'm less lame so I did it :)
for protocol read shyd post, it preaty explain everything about pulses etc ....
problem of porting avr vwcdpic code to arduino:
- ICP pin need to be accesible
- one 16bit timer (attiny hase 2x8bit timer)
- two timers with CTC (atmega8 does not have ctc)
ICP pin
basicaly external logical change interupt on pin called ICP which is directly "wired" to timer1( ICP as INPUT CAPTURE PIN), this pin is not wired on ATMEGA arduino boards (mega1280 and 2560). This is why guy on hackaday use seeduino...
On normal arduino duemilanove or UNO is ICP1 on digital pin 8, so this will work perfectly on duemilanove/uno and also old atmega8 chips.
Also its posible to reprogram code to use standard INTx interupr as I use in attinyx5 version of this code.
16bit timer
this timer is used to measuring pulses length of data send by head unit, more in post here and here.In original code is set to tick every 0.5us, its 16bit timer, max value of 65536 which corespod to 32000something ms ~ 32second, which is fine, perfect resolution, we can surely set input buffer to zero if this timer overflow (no logical change on ICP pin for 32 seconds...)
but if we have 8bit timer like in attiny85 (255tics to overflow which is 128us if I'm not mistaken) and want to have same resolution as with 16bit timer, to avoid recalculation of tics per pulse.... we must catch overflows and count them, then just calculate pulse lenght as 255*overflows+actual timer
2 timers for timing output packets
next challenge was timing for output to head unit, lets call it packet of 8 bytes, with this timing:50ms between pakets
at last 700us between bytes in packets (in vwcdpic is note that same head units cant store it if timing was 350us, in some other sources on net, timing is 874us ... but 700us works for me...)
in original code timer0 and timer2 are 8bit timers, in original code used for:
- 700us timing between bytes
- 50ms timing between packets and to cound seconds ... (20x50ms = 1000ms = 1s)
this is no problem on atmega168/328 but its problem on atmega8 and attiny85
atmega8 has no compare register for timer0, attiny85 hase just two 8bit timers/counters
Timer0 on atmega8
atmega has timer0 without CTC mode, no compare possible , so we must make it work other way around, we have overflow:
- so I set OVF bit to allow execution of OVF runtime routine
- set timer to 4us tics, this make it overflow each 1024us
- initialize timer with value of 6 which make it overflow after 1000us
- in overflow routine timer is initialize with 6 to overflow again after 1000us
Attiny85 and two 8-bit timers
timer1 is used for input capture with combination on int0 external interrupt and counting overflows... no big deal
timer0 must be used to timing of 1ms tics for seconds count and for output packets timing, so what I did was really easy, and I go to rewrite all code also for atmegax chips to use it. I set timer to tic every 1us, set compare register to be 100, so its fire compare routine every 100us. In this routine I do counting, 50 count to make original code happy ...
and to count to 7 or to 50 to make output packets timing work ...
second timing for output packets is set directly in code which handle sending packet, if it reach end, it will set 50 to wait 50ms between packets, if it just sent less then eirhts byte it set 7, so next byte is flush out after 7 overflows of timer0 = 700us
Output to headunit
output to head-unit is SPI, it's nothing new, but this didn't work for 16Mhz arduinos (simply it's to fast), so software handling of this is used. I like crystal version more over internal RC oscillators becose this is in car application where external crystal should by better, but I do not test or read any paper on this, so correct me please if I'm wrong.also attiny has no SPI dedicated pins, it it's capable of use some internal magic to have SPI by HW but it use pin which is also INT0, and this we need... so using software here is only option
Serial comunication
Original vwcdpic used 9600bauds serial communication for PJRC player, which I do not know if it is around anymore, but it was also in avr code, so I leave it there just make it fully backward compatible, with "in compile time" configurable #define PJRC, becose this make emulator constantly send "mode" on serial line, which may toggle "mode" on mpd each second or so ...
also add option to support shyd version of serial communicaton to control mpd over serial with mpc and python, and receive info from mpd like mode, disc and track number. This is configurable in compile time with uncommenting #define DISC_TRACK_NUMBER_FROM_MPD, #define JUST_HEX_TO_SERIAL and commenting out #define PJRC
attiny85 use TinyDebugSerial library which is oneway library but it didn't use any timer, so I can use both(timers).
Mpd control
I made some changes of shyd python script to control mpd both with just hex and pjrc commands , this are on github. Also mpd_control_vwcdpic.py should support original pic version of vwcdpic, but I have no time to check it.I make this pythons script handle next/previos CD which are send (as I know) only from audi chorus 1 with enabled CD input and audi concert 1.
video of all of this is here:
how to wire it?
arduino duemilanove/uno or atmega8RADIO PIN -> arduino pin (chip pin) <- computer
DataOut -> digital 8 (14)
DataIn -> digital 13 (19)
Clock -> digital 12 (18)
digital 0 (2) <------------ serial TX
digital 1 (3) <------------ serial Rx
RADIO PIN -> attiny pin <- computer
DataOut -> 7
DataIn -> 6
Clock -> 5
2 <------------- serial RX
Bluetooth... clearly, I made it here, with blk-md-spk-b module, but it has problem handling calls, so I ordered xs3868 and made kicad module and library. So next to make some breakout boards and try it.BM20 it will be ;)
arduino,atmegaX8,atmega8 port of k9spud vwcdpicport of k9spud vwcdpic with two 8-bit timers (attiny85)
Thursday, 2 April 2015
vwcdpic port for arduinos
I have a time to study vwcdpic AVR port for arduino mega which was ported by guy vti on hackaday.com forums and make changes to run it on arduino deumilanove/uno/nano. Code is on github. This is full software based, no hw SPI is used, so is easy to port. Future planes are atmega8 port, which is little diferent in speak of timers.. and attiny85 port of corse, cose I have nothing better to do :D
then headphone support emulating pushbuttons, and bluetooth...
to make it easy to test I clean/tuneup/fixed radio emulator
then headphone support emulating pushbuttons, and bluetooth...
to make it easy to test I clean/tuneup/fixed radio emulator
Wednesday, 21 January 2015
vwcdpic boards
vwcdpic boards are for sale (1Euro for board + shipping)
preprogramed pic +2E
asembled emulators + simple cable with jack or cinches (tested wvcdpic + audio cable = 10euros + shipping )
contact me on email if you are interested
C10,2 - 100n,1206
this version of firmware is know to work with VW RCD300 units
to make cost as low as posible, 2.54 pin socket is used:
preprogramed pic +2E
asembled emulators + simple cable with jack or cinches (tested wvcdpic + audio cable = 10euros + shipping )
contact me on email if you are interested

list of materials
C10,2 - 100n,1206
R1 - 10k, 1206
R5,6,7 - 3k3, 1206
U1 - PIC12F629-I/SN, SW: VWCPIC v3, 8SOIC
U2 - AMS-1117-5.0 (5V) SOT-223
assemble plan:
schematics in PDF
finished emulators:
![]() |
for audi concert2 |
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audi concert1/chorus1 |
to make cost as low as posible, 2.54 pin socket is used:
![]() |
RCD300 version |
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RCD300 version |
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how to connect this pic based emulator |
breadboard adapter for blk-md-spk-b
simple breadboard adapter for cheap BLK-MD-SPK-B module from ebay based on OVC3860 with 3.5mm jack adapter, here is it in action:
schematics/board are on my github
few pictures:
kicad library for BLK-MD-SPK-B is also on github
copy of pdf with OVC3860 AT commans used in video (AT#MD AT#ME....)
schematics/board are on my github
few pictures:
kicad library for BLK-MD-SPK-B is also on github
copy of pdf with OVC3860 AT commans used in video (AT#MD AT#ME....)

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